Our Goal For 2024
2024 Goal!

Church Kick Off Plus
To create awareness about the situation in Nigeria and share about Seeds of Hope and what we do. Please let us know if your church will be interested in learning more about this. It can also be your group of friends, small group or a business that will love to give a tax credit donation. If you’re interested, then give us a call at +1 920-819-5626 or send us an email at info@seedsofhopeng.org to set up an appointment for more details.

Make Room For More Project
We are believing for a secondary site to accommodate older children in their separate gender dorms. This expansion will not only provide safe dormitory facilities for the older children but will also feature a transitional home with on-site skills acquisition programs such as; welding, carpentry, electrical etc.
The decision to expand was prompted by a pressing need to create more room at the primary site for younger children, enabling Seeds of Hope to continue its mission of nurturing vulnerable children.
Excitingly, Seeds of Hope has already made significant progress toward this vision, by acquiring the desired 50 plots of land for the secondary site. We are now constructing the fence to enclose the land for extra security. We have also begun construction on the teenager male and female dormitories so as to move the teens to these suitable accommodations, making room in the children's dorm to accommodate new younger children who have been effected by the recent crisis. There is still many steps in seeing this vision come to fruition thus the ministry is inviting individuals and faith communities to join hands in preparing the way for the future of those who will be profoundly impacted by Seeds of Hope Nigeria.
By supporting this expansion, you are contributing to a future where vulnerable children find refuge, education, and the skills they need to build meaningful lives.
Thank you so much for your partnership in this!

School Scholarship
Praise God for how far the school has come! We’re currently planning towards the next school year. So far, we only have Seeds of Hope’s children and staff kids attending the school however we hope to open it up to the surrounding community this coming August.
What we need in order to make the school expansion a success:
Classroom Sponsorship for Seeds of Hopes’ (SOH) children:Instead of individual child sponsorship, we will be focusing on classroom sponsorship at this time. Your sponsorship will help cover the classroom costs including: 1 teacher and 1 assistant annual salary, textbooks, supplies and uniforms for all current students as well as a small budget for classroom learning resources.
Kindergarten - $1,658 - 5 SOH Kids - Grade 1-$2,357 - 10 SOH Kids - Grade 2-$2,871 - 11 SOH Kids - Grade 3- $2,000 - 8 SOH Kids
If you would like to donate to a specific classroom, please specify in your donation so that we can send you a photo of the students in that classroom, that you can be lifting up in prayer.
Community Kids School Sponsorship: Seeds of Hope Nigeria is surrounded by a rural farming community in which many people can’t afford to send their children to our school whatsoever. We’re looking into raising funds that will be able to help give 10 local community children school scholarships to attend our open slots in preschool and kindergarten at Seeds of Hope Academy. It currently costs about $300 per school year to sponsor a child to Seeds of Hope Academy. The cost covers school uniforms, textbooks and supplies, and school lunch.

The Dagwer's
Thank you so much for standing with us as your missionaries to Nigeria.
Our goal is to raise a monthly support of $4,500. So far, out of $4,500, we’ve raised a monthly support of $4,200 (Praise God) and are working towards raising the remaining $300 monthly support.
Will you prayerfully consider being a part of our team?